The Democrats get their three days of free media coverage next week as they converge on Denver for their Convention. While there is no longer any suspense surrounding the nomination of Barack Obama, questions remain about the overall tenor of the convention and the extent to which some of Hillary Clinton's supporters could create some awkward moments for the party. After considerable negotiation, Obama has acceded to Hillary's request for her name to appear on the ballot and for her supporters to have their day in the sun. So the stage is set for a certain amount of healthy difference of opinion on the convention floor, but is there any astrological clue that suggests that things could become fractious or otherwise divisive?
The transit of Mars to the natal Rahu in the Democratic Party horoscope suggests that there will a level of conflict and energy that may be somewhat excessive and perhaps make the Obama camp uncomfortable. I am also interested to see what the effect of the Mercury-Venus transit to the natal Mars in this chart will be. This occurs around Aug 23rd before the convention begins and may represent some minor setback for the Democrats in the election campaign. For the convention itself, the Mars conjunction to Rahu becomes exact on the 27th. This may be the most likely time when things may boil over somewhat.
While Hillary is scheduled to speak on the 26th, her chart does not suggest a major event. Mercury and Venus are squaring her Uranus so that can make for things to be a little out of one's control perhaps. Both benefic transiting planets come under the influence of her natal Rahu so that is another sign matters getting out of hand or things not working out in a favourable way for her. This is certainly not a positive pattern so Hillary may come up with the short end of the stick during the convention.
The 27th has two potential sources of conflict -- the roll call of state delegates to cast their votes for either Obama or Hillary and a speech by Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton's chart looks very animated at this time as the transiting Mars is conjunct his ascendant. Clinton has been widely criticized for his sometimes uncontrollable anger and some questionable statements during the campaign and lacklustre support for Obama. This Mars transit strongly points to another eruption by the former president, either during his speech or perhaps as a result of a roll call vote that ends with Hillary receiving an embarrassingly low number of votes. I think Bill Clinton will emerge as the big loser in the convention as the transiting Sun will be right on the 12th house cusp signifying loss, diminished status, and isolation. I would not be surprised to see him booed during his speech. In some way, Bill and Hillary Clinton will create difficulties for the Democratic Party.
But the overall effect of the convention is likely to be generally positive for Obama and the Party. Transiting Sun closely aspects the natal Moon in the natal chart suggesting high public profile and this is also in trine aspect to the natal Venus indicating convivial feelings. While neither nor the Moon nor Venus cast full strength aspects in Vedic astrology, it is important to remember that the mutual planetary interaction still exists because trine aspects are conjunct in the navamsa chart.
While I will await the selection of the VP candidate before making a definitive prediction on the outcome of this election, the horoscope of the Democratic Party is not in good condition in November. I noted some of these problems several months ago and couldn't quite figure out how the afflictions there could be reconciled with the charts of the key figures in the party. There seemed to be too much affliction to denote a victory. One alternative scenario was a win but under very trying circumstances such as warfare, rioting, or something of that disruptive nature. But looking at this chart again reaffirms just how chaotic the election period will be. While I had thought Obama's new birth time boosted his chances for winning, I wonder now if that might only translate into popularity and enhanced public visibility rather than actually winning office.
More on that topic to come.