May 26, 2005

USA: a difficult summer

As indicated previously, the USA is ripe for a major destructive event this year. My early prediction for March-April proved to be wrong (or premature).

The 2005 inauguration chart for Bush provides another clue for the likely timing. With Saturn now in Cancer, it is applying to oppose the 10th house Sun this summer. At the same time, transit Rahu is applying to a trine aspect to 8th house Mars. These transits are in orb now, suggesting that an event may not be far off, and that the US is entering a period of instability from June through August.

More specifically, the period of June 5 - 9 looks problematic as Saturn crosses the IC. A natural disaster is more likely at this time, and given the Sun's opposition to natal Mars on the 9th, it seems that the government or the president will be directly affected. This is most likely to represent pressure and stress brought to bear on him.

The next potentially difficult period is June 30 - July 3.

I would also watch July 20 - 25 carefully. When Mars conjoins 1st house Rahu, it creates conditions for violence.

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