February 08, 2006

Gold drops $20

Yesterday, the price of gold fell almost $20 back to about $555. I believe a single day drop of this size should appear in any correct chart for gold.

The chart I'm currently using to track gold is the futures chart (Dec 31 1974 10.00 am NYC). This chart has 3 Aquarius rising in Lahiri.

What's intriguing is that Mercury was conjunct that ascendant yesterday. But why would Mercury be such bad news for gold? I think the answer has something to do with rulership.

Following sidereal whole signs, Mercury rules the malefic 8th house Virgo. This is an unhappy conjunction. By itself, it should not have generated such a large drop in price, however.

The other thing you notice about this chart is that Venus has just stationed exactly conjunct natal Mercury (that nasty 8th lord) at 22 Sagittarius and opposite natal Saturn at 22 Gemini.

This stationing on the Mercury-Saturn opposition was likely a ticking time bomb for the short term price of gold and the malefic Mercury (by rulership) coming to the ascendant was the lighting of the fuse.

I still think gold has a ways to go on the upside as Uranus 16Aquarius approaches the 2nd house Jupiter 19Aq44. The station near that point in May/June may be a medium/ong term high in the price.

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