October 31, 2005

Canada: Gomery Report to be released tomorrow

The Liberal government of Paul Martin may suffer
another major blow to its credibility tomorrow with
the release of the long-awaited Gomery report on the
Adscam scandal within the Quebec wing of the Liberal

It's especially difficult to make a prediction on the
immediate fallout from this independent report due to
the ongoing problems the Liberals are experiencing in
the wake of the emergency evacuation of the
Kashechewan Indian Reserve in Northern Ontario last
week. So far over 500 residents of the reserve have
been evacuated to other parts of the province due to
tainted drinking water and resulting widespread
disease. Under the Canadian constitution, Native
Reserves are the exclusive responsibilty of the
federal government.

A few placements make me think this report will refuel
public (and opposition) anger over Liberal
wrongdoings. Tr Mars will be exactly squaring natal
Mars in the Martin Oath chart and conjunct Pluto in
the Canada chart. Saturn is coming to its station
soon and will be sitting on the 6th equal house cusp
within a degree. This shows significant legal

Tertiary progressed Ascendant is squaring the natal
Sautrn on the oath chart so this ought to be larger
than a simply "scandale du jour".

Of course, it is possible that the Kashechewan affair
could reveal further Liberal negligence so those
planetary configurations may still be describing the
continuing fallout from government ineptitude there.

My sense, however, is that tomorrow will provide more
headaches for Martin. Moon will transit over Ketu in
the oath chart with Sun close by. That points to
shadowy issues involving the leadership bubbling up
like raw sewage in a backed up septic tank.

Let's see how it plays out. Tr Uranus wills station
soon enough also and its forward motion will conjunct
12H Jupiter and trine the Sun IC conjunction in
February making an election most likely at that time.
(The Liberals currently lead an unstable minority
government and the election dates are determined by
the government in power.)

While those influences look favourable, a decidedly
unfavourable influence is transit Jupiter stationing
close to natal 8H Saturn in the Canada chart in early
days of March 2006. Jupiter represents the 10th house
of government. So Martin may be in hot water once
again and no Belinda in sight to bail him out this
time. Right now, I'd bet against him.

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