February 03, 2006

anti government protest in Thailand Feb 4

There will be the largest protest against the unpopular Thaksin government this Saturday Feb 4. Foreigners have been warned to stay away.

Astrologically, you can see this very clearly since tr Mars will be conjoining the ascendant (29Aries Lahiri) of the Thailand chart (Apr 21 1782 6.55 am LMT Bangkok) as tr Rahu (NN) conjoins natal Mercury in sidereal Pisces in the 12th house. Rahu usually ramps up the energy to a point where it is often too much for a stable system to bear without disruption. This configuration certainly describes the fact of a large protest (>100,000) but I believe there will be some violence as well.

This event may presage greater problems in Thailand in March and April when the Saturn station occurs on the natal Moon. Expect to see Thailand in the news a lot then.

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