November 12, 2006

Cdn Liberal leadership update

As the Canadian Liberal Party move closer to choosing a new leader on December 2, it looks as though frontrunner Michael Ignatieff (May 12 1947) is running out of steam. He's made a number of gaffes and his idea to declare Quebec a nation within Canada has created a lot of criticism. Currently, he's got 30% of decided delegate support compared to 20% for Bab Rae and about 17% for both Stephane Dion and Gerard Kennedy. I had earlier predicted Ignatieff would win the leadership although I didn't have access to his birthtime. My main reason for favouring Ignatieff was on the strength of a couple of excellent progressed aspects -- p2 Venus trine p2 Chiron and p2 Sun trine p2 Jupiter. Using a rounded noon birthtime, however, both aspects have already perfected several months ago. Maybe they reflect the frontrunner status he has enjoyed for the past six months. Has he peaked?

One of the nagging things about Ignatieff's chart is the transit picture on the day of the vote. Although tr Mercury conjoins natal Jupiter, tr Jupiter conjoins natal Ketu while tr Venus opposes natal Uranus. Bob Rae (Aug 2 1948), by contrast, has a fairly unremarkable progressions picture but better transits than Ignatieff. Tr Venus conjoins natal Jupiter (rewards), tr Jupiter trines natal Mercury (good news), while Saturn exactly conjoins his natal Saturn (responsibility).

Rae's chart also has the advantage of having better progressed synastry with the Canada chart. For example, Canada's p2 Moon conjoins Rae's Sun. And Rae's nodes fall across the Asc-Dsc axis of Canada's solar return.

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