December 11, 2006

Cdn Liberals choose Dion

The Canadian Liberal Party has chosen Stephane Dion as their leader. In a surprising development, Dion beat out frontrunner Michael Ignatieff on the fourth ballot.

Since I had predicted Ignatieff, I have to fess up to my mistakes on this one. Hindsight is always 20/20 but there are a few things I missed. As I noted earlier, Igantieff's transits on the day of the convention were not favourable. The stationing Saturn squaring his natal Sun was the dealbreaker. My preference for Ignatieff was based on very favourable progressed aspects, or so I thought. I relied heavily on the assumption that progressed stations by benefics in declinations would carry the day for him. Clearly, this negative result disproved that hypothesis. I had also written off Dion owing to a tertiary progressed Saturn station in December. Saturn stations are less likely to be linked with happy outcomes, so I assumed this would be the symbolic expression of his loss. Wrong again.

In retrospect, the Saturn station was greatly energized by virtue of a favourable trine aspect to tertriary progressed Uranus. So that is the lesson here for astrologers: all things being equal, Saturn stations may symbolize more negative events than positive, but if they are placed in positive configurations with other planets, then Saturn's more positive significations of responsibility and respect are more likely to come to the fore. Also, I will be more cautious about extending the theory of progressed stations to apply to declinations. Clearly, more study is needed to that area.

I can't feel too bad about this outcome since I didn't have access to any of the birth times of the candidates. And since this event has helped me refine my understanding of some of the finer points of progressions, it's not a total loss. A great learning opportunity overall.

Dion's future electoral chances look pretty good. I'll have more to say on those in the weeks ahead.

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