As the warm glow of his historic inauguration fades into the background, President Barack Obama now faces more familiar political battles over the stimulus and banking proposals. With most Republicans opposing the huge stimulus package, the oft-mentioned new era of bipartisanship and change in Washington seems to have gone missing. While Obama's tasks to rebuild the economy are momentous, it's clear from his horoscope that the acrimony in DC foretells more difficult times ahead for the new president.
According to the Vimshottari dasha system and Krishnamurti ayanamsha, Obama will enter his Mars subperiod or bhukti on or around February 26. As a minor period in the Jupiter major dasha period, the Mars bhukti will run until early February 2010. Of course, Mars is known as the planet of conflict, action, and executive power so it may not be surprising that Obama's efforts are meeting with some significant opposition, even before the full onset of the Mars subperiod. What's perhaps more telling is that Mars (29 Leo) occupies a powerful place in his horoscope, namely, the 8th equal house cusp (24 Leo). It is also just a few degrees away from this cusp in different house systems, and less than one degree away from the Alcabitius 8th house cusp. The 8th is considered a potentially malefic house, and any planet near its most sensitive point, the cusp, is said to be strongly imbued with 8th house energy and can be heavily afflicted. The 8th house represents change and transformation, as well as obstacles, death, and embarrassments. Obama's 8th house Mars is the main reason why so many astrologers have predicted that there will be an attempt on his life during his tenure.
Certainly the emphasis on change is appropriate here and we can expect Obama's efforts to re-invigorate the US economy to initiate structural change that will transform the workings of the economy through greater government involvement in key institutions like banking as well as promoting long term (and long overdue) changes in health care and environmental policy. Since Mars also symbolizes vitality and action in this house, Obama will take on a strong leadership role, and will be seen leading a revolution in American life. But given Mars' natural malefic status, it is reasonable to expect that there will be an increase in the opposition to these initiatives. With the 8th house also representing "other people's money", the Mars period will also feature profligate spending by his administration which will likely generate resentment and conflict. Given the forecast for massive deficits and a ballooning government debt, we don't really need the astrology to warn us about something that it so self-evidently true. It's nonetheless interesting that it is reflected in his chart in a fairly clear way.
Obama's natal Mars is fairly strong, however, given its dispositor Sun is angular in the 7th house and conjunct benefic Mercury. This may mean that we may enjoy significant success in his efforts to transform the American economy. However, it's not without some notable weakness: its placement in the final degree of Leo will reduce its ability to realize ambition and will open the door to some noteworthy negative outcomes during the coming 12 months. With the ongoing opposition of Uranus to his Mars through most of 2009, conflict will predominate and may emerge suddenly and in unusual places. This includes the greater chance for conflict overseas. The economy will likely experience another significant setback in late 2009 and early 2010 as Saturn will station while aspecting Obama's 2nd house Venus. Since the 2nd house represents wealth, we can expect another major contraction of economic activity at that time.
Closer at hand, I'm looking at the time around March 12 as indicating a significant event as Mars conjoins his Ketu and Sun joins Uranus in opposition to his Mars. Even with the helpful effects of the close proximity of slow moving retrograde Venus in trine aspect to his Sun at that time, the presence of these apparently malefic configurations seems to point to some kind of negative event, one that may be violent or rooted in conflict. This could be an incident involving US armed forces, or an outbreak of violence in a strategically important area of the world, such as Israel and the Middle East. I should note that Israel is likely to be an ongoing burden to Barack Obama as Israel's natal Saturn sits on his 7th house cusp indicating a negative energy that prevents happiness, and incurs heavy responsibilities. Obama will likely feel trapped by the US's historical commitment to support Israel which will limit his ability to broker a peace deal. It may also suggest that Obama will not blindly support Israel and his attempt to meet both parties half-way will alienate members of the Israeli lobby.
So for all the promise of change and meaningful bipartisanship, Obama's incoming Mars bhukti suggests that Washington will be as divided as ever, as the economy worsens and his bold, new programs encounter strong resistance from various areas of American society.

Chris, thanks for your blog entry. I have looking forward to hearing from you. You certainly did not disappoint.
Hooray! I can't think of anything healthier for this U.S. country than alienating members of the Israeli lobby! Time to stop that one-way only bully pulpit, Israel.
Now for the Crystal Ball question:
How long unitl you think CK, that the economy will "recover", and we can start to earn back some of our losses?
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