May 02, 2009

New Moon -- Aries to Taurus

Given that the Sun and Moon are the two most significant bodies in the sky, the lunar phases provide useful clues to the prevailing energies that inform the month to come. The New Moon of March 24 featured a strong Sun in the 10th house suggesting a greater visibility for government and leaders. April has seen the Obama administration continue to take the lead on a number of fronts including the salvaging of the US auto sector. The prominent Mars in the 9th house of foreign countries in that chart may also have signified some friction involving North Korea's missile launch and more generally may reflect Obama's overseas trip in early April to the G20 summit and later in his swing through various European and Middle Eastern countries which caused some consternation in conservative circles. And of course, the swine flu did originate outside of the US in Mexico so that is another plausible expression of tension and difficulties involving foreign countries.

As we noted in the previous newsletter, the last New Moon on April 24 contained several intriguing and potentially troublesome patterns. In light of the recent swine flu scare, the Mercury square to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction was a plausible expression of this energy. In fact, I suggested that this aspect may be related to "communicable diseases" among other things, and that the the Sun/Moon square to the nodes Rahu and Ketu might be a sign of strange incidents or situations when nothing appears to be going right. While fears over the H1N1 influenza outbreak seem somewhat exaggerated at this point, it's clear that the prospect of a flu pandemic on top of an already failing economy could be seen in terms of the weird Rahu/Ketu type of energy where insult is piled on top of injury. I also noted that the the Mercury-Neptune aspect might reflect "deceitful communications", and given the growing questions concerned the sweeping WHO pronouncements and the media fear-mongering, that notion may not be far off the mark. Look for more of that kind of distortion of Mercury's energy over the next two or three weeks. With Saturn in the 10th house of that April 24 New Moon, the US government will likely be seen as strong and capable in the coming weeks. This may be the natural outgrowth of its protective efforts towards the American people over pandemic fears as well as overseeing the bankruptcy and reorganization of the auto sector.

Since the April 24 New Moon is "in effect" until May 24, it's very possible that the swine flu will continue to be an ongoing concern. Indeed, the May 24 New Moon at 9 degrees of sidereal Taurus still features the Mercury square to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction because Mercury begins its retrograde cycle on May 7. What makes this pattern potentially worse for the period May 24 - June 22 is that Mercury is in a very close harmonic aspect with Mars. This increases the likelihood of problems relating to Mercury-ruled significations. These significations include communication (such as the internet), disease, trading (international trade agreements, or the stock market, for example), and transportation, (especially involving accidents). On the plus side, Jupiter and Neptune are just minutes away from an exact conjunction for this New Moon so that ought to help hope prevail over fear. The Jupiter effect on Neptune may also create an atmosphere of idealism where higher principles and aspirations for humanity such as sharing, oneness, and collective responsibility receive greater publicity and stimulate the public consciousness. This should be a good time for any UN-related organizations and initiatives, as well as supportive for liberal or socialistic social policies by the Obama administration and other governments around the world. Also of note, the forthcoming Taurus New Moon will contain to exhibit further nodal influence by virtue of the trinal aspect from Rahu to the New Moon. This could indicate more surprising or disruptive developments which will likely amplify the difficulties contained in the Mercury-Mars-Jupiter-Neptune configuration. Saturn also falls very close to the unequal 4th house cusp, (or IC) and this may also tip the scales towards the troublesome side of the Taurus New Moon coming to the fore in some tangible way. The 4th house can refer to the "end of the matter" so endings and closings may be more prominent from late May into June in the United States.

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