March 25, 2005

USA: March 25th and all is well

Well, March 22nd came and went and nothing much happened in the USA or anywhere else. And thus I watched the usual media spew with that peculiarly astrological sense of emptiness. No news is good news, unless you're an astrologer, and worse, one who has been predicting something major to go down.

As I indicated previously, however, this is at least a month-long window of some danger that shouldn't be ignored with the passing of a single day earmarked in a psychic's imagination. There are still many loose planetary threads out there that may yet weave themselves into something tangible.

A solar eclipse is upcoming on April 8th and this coincides with Mars at 20 Capricorn (Lahiri ayanamsha). This will likely bring an act of violence and destruction as it aspects the ascendant of the 2005 Bush inauguration chart while conjoining the 10th house Neptune there. Interestingly, that transiting Mars will also be opposing the Houck USA chart's Moon and opposing the Grimes USA chart's ascendant -- give or take a degree or two. So that period right around the eclipse looks unstable.

I would say that the danger will have passed after mid April. If nothing significant happens by then, then I will say I made a wrong prediction.

Until then, I'm still reading keeping my eyes and ears open.

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