June 09, 2005

Relocation tips

When relocating to another city, you can usually see transits to angles of the relocated chart. This can be a boon for narrowing down possibilities as well as timing moves.

As we know, moves often occur when separating planets such as Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Rahu and Ketu aspect the angles (and by angles I refer to the Ascendant/Descendat and the MC/IC). However, what is less well known is that one usually has transits to the angles in the new location as well. This is more easily observed when the new city is far away from the original place of residence.

A Korean client of mine recently moved to Toronto from Seoul. When she arrived in Toronto, transit Saturn conjoined her relocated ascendant in Toronto within two degrees while the nodes aspected her relocated MC/IC. This is a fairly typical pattern.

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