November 18, 2005

December's cold comforts

I think the current highly stress planetary pattern should peak in December with a major world event. Certainly , Dick Cheney hopes this cosmic version of spin the bottle doesn't finish it's merry-go-round staring straight at him. And yet, we know that his chart is very afflicted at this time. I still believe there will be further embarrassment to come for the VP, above and beyond what he have been publically told within the context of the Plame affair.

One other possible area of volatility may be Saudi Arabia. If the Jan 15 1902 chart is correct, the Mars at 17 Capricorn will be coming underthe influence of Saturn and Ketu around this time. This will be an excellent test of the chart's continued usefulness. If its still good, look for some major violence in Saudi in the December time frame.

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