December 29, 2005

New Year's Chart 2006

Well, it's almost that time. Another year, another New Year's chart, ie. the horoscope cast for midnight at various points around the world. The last two have been pretty bad with tight hard aspects involving malefics and we've seen an unprecedented number of disasters.

Sadly, this one upcoming doesn't look any better and in many ways is worse. Saturn will be in mutual aspect to Mars and Rahu (NN) aspects Saturn. Worse still is that all these interconnected aspects occur near the equal house cusps of many locations in the world. In New York, to mention just one, Mars sits on the equal 8th house cusp. This is one of the worst places for malefics in any chart.

Ketu (SN) also rises in many locations around the world. This suggests an added level of destruction unfortunately since Ketu wants to make "all that is solid melt into air". The Sun quincunxes Saturn and introduces problems with leaders and governments. If I were President Bush, I would not be smiling at this prospect.

In sum, look for more large scale disasters and violence and major government upheavals. 2006 will go down in history as a great year for pessimists, doomsayers, and Coast to Coast AM listeners.

Because of the general nature of this chart, it's hard to be more specific. But certainly this level of affliction is usually coincident with major negative events of historical proportions.

best wishes to all, (if that's possible)

1 comment:

nauzer said...

...and my two cents.
Saturn has finished its transit of gemini, and also its brief retrograde into gemini.
Now, Saturn is firmly in the US President's Asc.(cancer). The application of Saturn's transit and other dasha levels did not play out, what was expected of them by many leading astrologers.
The President is alive and living well.
Why was Saturn as lord of the 8th, given more importance than Mercury the lord of the 12th?
Anyway, now that we find ourselves back to the drawing board, let me venture to pen, what I strongly believed for a long time, before my mind was muddled up with astro jargon by many a notable name.
I predict - In Feb 2006, when Mercury -Lord of 12th House transits the President's 8th house, and in that month, when moon transits gemini, there lies indicators of grief. Could there be an incident, regarding Bush senior, or the President himself, is the question. Which of the two in the bush family should make news? A closer look at dashas could change things by a few days, here and there.
