The noises from the Bush administration about Iran are growing louder these days. There are claims that Iran is aiding the Shia insurgents in Iraq making a bad situation worse.
There are clear astrological signs that Iran's role in the conflict is on the verge of intensifying. Mercury will station opposite Saturn on February 13th so look for some bad news for Iran then. This might be an internatioal rebuke, or having its agents or mercenaries being discovered in Iran.
If we look at the Iran proclamation chart (Apr 1 1979 3 pm), we can see that Tr Saturn is applying to station on April 19th within one degree of the ascendant. Natally, Saturn is 8th lord and is involved in a T-square with Moon and Venus so the Saturn transit here packs considerable punch. Also the tertiary progressed chart looks very violence as P3 Asc conjoins P3 Mars and P3 Rahu all squaring P3 Uranus. This points to a sudden explosion of violence.
The midnight chart representing the legal beginning of the Islamic Republic is similarly troubled, albeit without the added force of the progressed angles. However, the transit situation is, if anything, worse in this chart. It is running Rahu-Mercury dasha. Mercury is closely conjunct Mars, the 6th lord representing conflict and the military. Pluto is applying to a near exact square to Mercury at its station on March 31st.
The next two or three months seem the most volatile and will probably coincide with a more explicit Iranian involvement with the war in Iraq. A US attack on Iran is one possible scenario.
Key dates to watch are the time around March 8th, when Mars aspects Saturn by its most malefic 8th house aspect and simultaneously aspects the 6th house cusp. Also the time around March 18-22 when Mars aspects Rahu by the same aspect while Sun conjoins the Mars-Mercury conjunction.
This event or series of March-April events will only be one step in a longer sequence of events that draws Iran into the Mid-East conflict. Another moment of violence is likely in Nov-Dec 2007.
Unless you're Sean Penn, I wouldn't be planning any trips to Teheran anytime soon.
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