Stock markets around the world took a sudden nosedive yesterday. The future is uncertain as far as stocks go. Since there is no single agreed upon chart for the NYSE, I thought of looking at some more recent and therefore more reliable data to see if the selloff could be seen. I believe they can.
The NYSE Composite Index (May 6 1982 10.00 NYC) is also under stress by Saturn and the nodes. This is one of the worst possible afflictions.
1) Tr Saturn squaring (by most malefic 10th house aspect) Sun within 4 degrees and applying.
2) Tr Ketu/SN trine Sun within 6 minutes.
3) Tr Rahu/NN trine Rahu/NN within 40 minutes and applying
4) Tr Jupiter is within 2 degrees of the equal 6th house cusp. This is a malefic placement and what's worse Jupiter is destined to station there in a month.
5) Tr Mars squares Moon within 2 degrees and separating.
This is also fairly compelling although I would rather see some tighter afflictions. Still the Ketu to the Sun is the backbreaker IMO, especially since it is under pressure from Saturn already.
The Nasdaq chart (Feb 8 1971 10.00 am NYC) also seems to work nicely and therefore can be seen as a proxy for the market as a whole.
1) Tr Saturn opp Sun within one degree and applying. (Tr Neptune is therefore also within a one degree conj with the natal Sun)
2) Tr Mars conj Mercury within minutes.
3) Tr Sun square Mars within two degrees and applying.
4) Tr Ketu/SN trine Saturn within 30 minutes and separating. (Nodal hits are most often negative esp when another malefic is involved and this includes the trine aspect.)
I'm sticking with transits here to keep it simple. Clearly, you have some damaging long term transits at work along with some short term trigger transits as well. All in all, another compelling picture.
Both of these charts suggest difficulties for stocks in the coming weeks.
Let's hope gold manages to walk between the raindrops of these bearish configurations.
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