I've been looking at stock index launch dates lately (NYSE Comp, etc) and thought I'd take a look at Japan's broadly-based Topix index. It's basically the equivalent of the S&P 500, whereas the Nikkei 225 is akin to the Dow 30.
The Topix was lauched July 1 1969 at 9 am. in Tokyo. There are some excellent fits between planetary motion and this natal chart for recent big reversals. For example, the May 2006 peak and subsequent fall coincided perfectly with Rahu/NN's trine aspect to natal Mars. Rahu was transiting the 8th house. For all you westerners, the nodes are more often malefic, especially when their dispositors are bruised. (Rahu in Pisces in both transit and natally, and Jupiter was conjoined by Ketu) Tr Ketu/SN was conjunct natal Uranus and then Jupiter through the following summer -- more problems there and not surprisingly the index fell. Things went back up only once Ketu had passed the natal Jupiter and transiting Jupiter had stationed exactly trine the natal Sun. Wow -- you really like to see those kind of no-brainer type aspects.
Accounting for the preceeding run-up from May 2005 is a little trickier but there are still threads to pursue. Moon bhukti came into force in May 2005 (gee, what a coincidence!). Natally, Moon is in Capricorn closely trined by Jupiter. Another no-brainer there I think. So the results of the Moon subperiod would tend to be positive as long as there were no substantial transit afflictions. Tr Uranus was also trining the natal Sun, the chart ruler of the sidereal chart in the 11th house of gains. Another favourable indicator there.
The forecast for this chart? With Mars bhukti running until the end of the year, it's hard to be bullish. Mars is with Neptune near the IC and thankfully gets a wide aspect from Venus to keep the whole thing from sinking. A more troublesome configuration emerges in the Fall when Saturn and Ketu/SN converge on the Ascendant. I'd sell into any rallies here and think about getting back in once Jupiter's dasha begins in early 2008.
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