February 23, 2008

Hillary's last stand

As the pivotal primaries in Ohio and Texas loom ever-larger for Hillary
Clinton, her campaign for the Democratic nomination is now entering the
realm of the long shot. The political betting site intrade.com now lists
her chances as just 17% of winning the nomination against Barack Obama's
83%. Pundits are attempting to sketch out her few remaining paths to
victory and unanimously concede that things are looking grim against the
seemingly unstoppable momentum of the charismatic Obama.

While I had not foreseen the extent of her February troubles, I still
believe that a reversal in fortunes is in the cards. (or is that stars?)
Aside from the birth chart, the campaign launch charts of candidates
can provide another source of information of the possible outcome of
their endeavours. Hillary's immediate concern is March 4th because if
she loses either one, her run will be over. And yet a quick look at the
respective campaign horoscopes of the two candidates shows that March
4th is very favourable to Hillary Clinton as tr.Venus will conjoin the
Venus-Moon conjunction in late Capricorn. The transiting Venus in
Barack Obama's campaign chart is also putatively good news in so far as
it conjoins the natal Sun. However, the complicating factor here is
that the Obama campaign chart features a tight Sun-Saturn opposition, so
that Venus is setting off that complex of energy. The results stirke me
as being more ambivalent and hence more indicative of a net loss for Obama.
Moreover, the transiting Mercury contacts the Sun-Saturn opposition
on March 8th, a date which we have isolated as being potentially damaging
to Obama by virtue of the Venus affliction in his natal chart.

As compelling as this race has been, I think it's about to get even more
interesting very soon.


Christopher Kevill said...

Obama is a great candidate, imo. The success of his campaign is evidence of the continued vitality of the American political system. Charisma is a funny thing though. We crave it in these faithless times, and yet many may wonder what the implications are of this kind of irrational devotion to a person.

But there's no doubt that Hillary is looking tired and worn out. Her problem is that she comes across as cold. People just can't connect with her the way they do with Obama, or McCain for that matter. The campaign needs to humanize her.

Pandora said...

Looking forward March 4th and beyond I think Hillary's has significant advantage over Obama. There are two major changes in the race that benefits Hillary going forward.

1. There are only two caucases left Wyoming and Puerto Rico. Hillary will win Puerto Rico. I read somewhere that PR residents living in US have voted for her by more than 70% in the primaries they participated. One other thing about PR is it is the only state that awards winner take all in dem primaries and has 55 delegates. Both causes are closed caucases.

2. Out of remaining 18 contest there are only 4 open primaries. Another significant advantage for Hillary. Hillary has won 9 out of 12 contests when it was closed or modified primaries (modified involves independents take democratic affiliation for at least a day). Majority of Obama's wins come from open primaries because of independents support.

In addition, counting FL and MI in terms of pledged delegates she is only 41-46 delegates behind. If you add commited superdelegates to the list then she is ahead by at least 30 to 70 delegates depending whose website you refer to. But certainly she is ahead if you add FL, MI and Super delegates committed so far. So this thing is not over by any means. No one will get the majority needed so I can see this thing going well in to convention.

I agree with you that if Hillary was loses both TX and OH then it will be difficult for her to stay in the race. But as you indicated if her stars are better positioned than Obama's on 4th and she wins TX, OH and may be RH then we go in the 4th quarter with score 0/0 with big advantage to Hillary. Then she will most likely win PA which is a closed primary. Hope you predictions come true on March 4th.

Couple of unbiased websites that track delegates.



Tiger said...
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Tiger said...

As per your prediction March 4th is not a bad day for Obama. so he may win and Hillary will be forced to concede on March 4-5th. The Obama can go on and have bad period but it's not going to change the outcome of the nomination. Looks more like Obama's year. The major problem I have with Obama is that his speech engine isn't going to help US(A)in anyway.

Christopher Kevill said...


I do not see Hillary conceding March 4. It's just not going to happen. There may be an equivocal result, I would allow for that. Still if I was betting, I would bet for her to win both on the 4th.

Thanks for your analysis Pandora. I think MI and FL are wild cards. You really can't factor them in at this point, although since I see her winning, I think it's very possible, even likely that somehow those Hillary-friendly states are included in the final tally. Trouble is, they can't be counted as they stand now. Obama wasn't even on the ballot in MI for heaven's sake.

Agree about the caucuses favouring Obama, but remember too there is a time-element here in so far as later primaries went his way not just because they were caucuses but because he was becoming better known. In other words, I think he would have won those states anyway. The independents are an important factor.

Will check out the sites. Thanks.

Anales said...

I am a little skeptical about astrological predictions saying that Hillary will win the nomination. Not because i have anything against astrology but because most astrologers agree that the birth times of both Hillary and Obama are not correct. Also we have seen time and again in this election that astrologers made terrible miscalculations based on wrong charts. I am a Hillary supporter and I have read ur articles before on the election and they tend to raise my hopes up...but the whole thing has taken a completely different shape. I am still hopeful...I hope ur predictions come true..

Christopher Kevill said...


Thanks for your views. I don't think astrologers believe that the times are wrong necessarily, but rather that there is no consensus about them, especially for HRC where at least two plausible times have surfaced.

Hopefully the talent of the astrologer is sufficient to decide which time is correct (or rectify it to some other time) and then proceed from there.

Given the level of uncertainty there, however, what I have tried to do is emphasize the role of more general planetary positions that are not birth time specific.

I do agree with you that given the birth time confusion, it will be hard for astrologers to take much credit for calling anything right or taking the blame for getting it wrong as well. Still, we can offer some insight beyond simple win-loss then that could be another source of falsifiability in the scientific sense. So for example, if we can get the timing right for when the nomination race is decided, that's something. Or if my prediction about Obama's troubles from Mar 8-12 comes to pass, then that too is something as well. It wouldn't confirm the 13.06 time of course but it may at least confer some validity to my views and hopefully to astrology as a whole.

Pandora said...


I am not an astrologer either but read somewhere that birth time can be corrected or back calculated based on major events in ones life. Is it correct? and can it be used to predict Hillary's correct birth time.

Christopher Kevill said...

That's right, Pandora. It's called rectification.

Trouble is there are no clear rules about it so there isn't much agreement about this process. Astrologers aren't that different from economists in that regards. Talk to 10 economists and get 14 opinions....

Anales said...


A poll today shows that obama is ahead of hillary in texas. I know you predicted that his downfall is in the stars but this looks as if he is going to carry texas too...which will be fatal for hillary's campaign...what is your take on that? Do you foresee anything that may stall his momentum and force him to quit...I think most astrologers agree that november is very good for hillary ...but with the way things are going right now how will it be good for her in november if she doesn't start winning again...?

Christopher Kevill said...

Well, Anales, I do think she will do well on March 4. However, there is a chance that my analysis is mistaken and she will lose Texas.

I did isolate the period after the primaries on Mar 8-12 as more problematic for Obama so that shifts one's attention to problems of a non-electoral nature, such as some campaign embarrassment or scandal.

So according to my scenario, it's not critical for Hillary to win Texas since Obama's problems will begin afterwards.

I admit it's looking bleak for HRC and maybe I've just done a bad job reading the horoscopes here. But I just don't see Obama cruising to the nomination. There are real obstacles there between now and August that make me think he is not going to make it.

Tiger said...

I just thought you will be find this interesting.


Christopher Kevill said...

Thanks. It's a good site.

blazer08 said...
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blazer08 said...

I am a Hillary supporter ( but it doesn't mean I won't vote for Obama if he's the democratic nominee, it will mean hope for so many in the black community that we've finally transcended the racial divide). I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but have we taken into account Bill Clinton's horoscope?! (He was born in Little Rock, AR on Aug 19 1946 at 3:44 am) It could be that he has some bad afflictions that are offsetting the good things in Hillary's chart. The reason I bring this up, is because we often see the two of them together, and it was Bill's comments in SC that created a domino effect. And, some people have attributed her failure in the last 11 primaries to "clinton fatigue" (old memories of scandals and Monicagate during his administration). I think he may be doing her more harm than good. I've also read that Conservative Republicans and alike are crossing party lines to vote against Hillary. See the following article in the Houston Chronicle:
Houston Chronicle
Even so, I think after Bush, it will be many years until people will vote for another Republican. In Hillary's case, she might actually make a better president than Bill, but her family name has become both an asset and a liability. [On a side note, it took the following movie: "Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?" (which is available for instant play on NetFlix) to convince me that political dynasties aren't necessarily a good thing =), ie would people have elected George W. Bush, if his name was just George Walker (no Bush in the name)?]

raquelf said...

i am very much interested in your predictions. I always check your website from time to time in case you put something new. I do fervently hope that you are right. A win for Hillary would be a great boost even if the stars say it could be Obama's on March 4. And like you, I could not see her conceding as long as there are lots of grass-roots supporting her.
I am also interested with Bill's role. I do feel he is a big advantage to Hillary although there are lots who dislike him very much.
More power to you!

Christopher Kevill said...

Blazer08 -- yes the family horoscopes do enter into the mix. They are important clues about what will happen to HRC. I think Bill was born at 8.50 am but let's not quibble about that now. I think his chart shows strength in the coming months as tr Jupiter aspects his natal Moon. Moon not only represents females/wife, but it also rules the 11th of gains. Of course, if you subscribe to the 3.44 time you have a slightly different take since the Moon rules the 1st house.

Christopher Kevill said...

raquelf - I think Bill is seen a yesterday's man so they have pushed him to the side of the campaign somewhat. He's a good resource if they need him, but in a country hungering for change, it doesn't make sense to parade around this guy too much.

Hillary can carry this show all on her own, thank you!

Lakshmi Mareddy said...

Hillary I believe is very warm in person. I think that she is media shy, and comes across as introverted/cold.

She is still gauche in not being able to handle media smoothly, but i had some hope when i saw her sense of humor on Saturday Night Live.

I personally hope that the US will shed its MCP attitude towards women in power. 3rd world countries are faring much better in this regard :)


Miss America said...

You need to check out Princeton professor Sean Wilentz on the fact that "Obama played the race card first and for real." He published an article documenting the race baiting and racial posturing of Obami and Company, and Bill Clinton's remarks in SC were taken out of context and cut up. Appeared on Tucker Carlson but the media ran his truth-telling off very quickly (bias). The PRESS just now running with that truth--because they have consistently been pro-Obami biased. His article is Well Worth the Read! Hopefully, people will start (just in time) to see the scheming, political kick-backs, and backroom deals of Obami. Rezko, Canadian scheming, the press FINALLY admitting their yellow journalism, and don't forget Michelle Obami's "lovely" ungrateful comment. This is what you get when you try to run a Johnny-come-lately into the Presidency. (How foolish!)

Anales said...

its was a gr8 gr8 win for her in ohio...people are starting to see through obama...hillary will be there till the end and fight it out...go hillary!!!!...and chris it looks like your prediction is coming true...!!!!good for us hillary supporters.

Twilight said...

Great result last night Chris!

What a fighter she is!

There's still a long way to go, but things are looking brighter already, and your prediction looks ever more likely to come true. :-)

Christopher Kevill said...

An amazing win for sure. But she has a long way to go given the delegate difference hasn't really changed much. Next week looks difficult for Obama so we'll see what will go against him. A lot of things have to swing in Hillary's favour for her to make it.