The momentum has clearly shifted towards Obama in the last couple of weeks. Some are already writing off Hillary Clinton's chances as the charismatic and younger Barack Obama has won 8 consecutive primaries and stands poised to win Wisconsin on Feb 19th. No astrology needed to predict that outcome! As I see it, however, the astrological picture is rapidly dimming on Obama. This week upcoming will represent the high point of his popularity, and look for the days around the 22nd to be especially good. After that, things will begin to slide. As mentioned previously, the March 4 Texas and Ohio primaries will probably go to Hillary and Obama's chart shows significant stress and unhappiness in the period of March 8-12. This configuration involves a major affliction of Venus and strongly suggests that his difficulties will stem from issues beyond simply bad vote results. This seems like it may be a stressful distraction involving women in some way, and with the influence of P4 Mars station on March 8th (!), we cannot rule out some kind of injury, coercion, threat or other expression of martian symbolism. It is very possible these configurations may be pointing to fallout from his ongoing financial relationship with corrupt Democrat operator Tony Rezko as Rezko's trial for fraud and extortion gets underway on March 3. I think the events of these first two weeks of March will change the whole complexion of the campaign.
Meanwhile, Hillary's campaign will get a huge boost from the P3 Venus station that occurs March 6th, just in time to give Hillary wins in Texas and Ohio. What gives these progressions stations extra strength is that she is running the Venus dasha. That kind of parallelism across astrological systems enhances the power of both and our confidence in predicting what will flow from this pattern. I am expecting that Obama will concede defeat in May or by mid-June at the latest when Saturn stations square to his Moon. It's worth noting that his wife, Michelle Obama, has her Venus at 7 Aq and she was also feel the full force of that Saturn station by opposition aspect. This is another sign that Obama will lose this historic political battle at that time.
You're very brave, Christopher to predict against the raging tide flowing in Obama's favour just now.
I have no astrological backing for my own feeling, which I've had from the start, that I just can't see him as president (this time around). Lately I've been suspecting that his health might suffer after all the campaigning he's done over such a long period.
I'd prefer to see Senator Clinton win the nomination, but I'd equally hate to see anything negative happen to Senator Obama.
Let's hope that all that does happen is a public swing towards Sen. Clinton, for no other reason than that she's preferred in most of those states still left to vote.
Brave, or maybe just foolish. :-)
It's hard to imagine how the campaign will change solely on wins for Hillary in TX and OH but it is possible. That's why I think there will be some closer media scrutiny of Obama and his campaign that will get beyond the idealized image we have had of him so far. It should make for some entertaining days ahead.
I enjoy your posts. I have no background in astrology but being from India I have some experiences with vedic astrology of my own. From my own experiences with vedic astrology I must say I have been amazed how accurately my own life events were predicted by couple of astrologers in India. Events such as job, moving of places, travel abroad, health matters have been predicted within matter of days.
I do feel that Sen Clinton is the right person for the job. May be Sen Obama's time will come in 8 years. As a Clinton supporter I hope your predictions come true. Do you see any possibility of Clinton/Obama ticket?
Thanks Pandora.
I don't see Obama on the ticket. His chart doesn't seem strong in November.
I think that you have been predicting a win for Hillary in the Dem primary -probably wishing for it as well :-).
Do you think that she would be able to beat McCain even if she gets past Obama?
Having lived in different parts of the US for the past decade or so, I know that while she has a lot of support in NY/NJ and CA, she has the exact opposite effect on people in the south and the bible belt states.
I would like to see the Dems in the WhiteHouse and fear that she is too polarizing a person to win. Think that a lot of independents would lean towards McCain rather that her and conservatives will vote for McCain even if they don't like him - just to prevent her from being elected.
Just curious as to what you predict will be the outcome.
I agree that she is polarizing and many independents will opt for McCain, but a good number of evangelicals may stay home, thus reducing his vote. Plus his "100 yr plan" for a military presence in Iraq is going to be a tough sell. In those circumstances, Hillary can still win it all in Nov. And she will.
It's been a highly unpredictable 3 months on both sides, so I wouldn't doubt another reversal.
I think quite a few people were getting creeped out by Obamania and took a sober look at precisely what the consequences of an Obama presidency might be (in several aspects.) As a result, his six point lead over McCain turned to a three point trail in Rassmussen.
In Western, the Uranus t-square (Uranus-Juno-Mars) in the sky is done, coinciding with the end of Obamania - for now.
Chris, since you're a Vedic astrologer -- what do you think of the fact that in August Obama reaches his Ketu year (age 47)?
His Ketu is in 5th, house of kingship and political power. Could that possibly be a favorable indicator? It seems counterintuitive, usually Rahu in 5th coincides with attainment of power, but maybe I'm missing something.
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