As Super Tuesday approaches and the US primary season reaches its
critical peak, a quick look at Barack Obama's chart suggests the end of
his time on the national stage may be near. While his charismatic
candidancy has struck a chord across the country, he still trails
Hillary Clinton in national polls, although the gap has narrowed to
single digits in the past week.
The chart looks decidedly mixed for Tuesday with some great placements
like tr Venus on his 3rd house cusp (successful efforts, happy
4th cusp) and since Mercury contains some maleficence through its 12th
house lordship, there may be a sense of unease in the coming days. His
P3 chart shows a t-square with progressed Moon-Mercury- Neptune which
also reinforces the notion that things are not quite working out as
planned on Feb 5.
He is currently in the dasha sequence of Jupiter-Venus-
is well placed in the 9th disposited by Mercury in the 10th but Venus
contains the potential for problems through the aspect from Ketu.
Mercury is fairly well esconced in the 10th but the helpful aspect from
Jupiter is somewhat compromised by Saturn's aspect. Generally this is a
good combination but it could go against him if the transits turn bad.
My sense is Tuesday will go well enough for him but nothing extreme
either way. He's both unlikely to take the lead in delegates or the
polls and neither will his campaign fizzle. At the end of it, there may
still be sense that he faces an uphill battle to win the nomination
perhaps because he hasn't done as well as he had hoped.
A potential turning point in his campaign may be the period of March
9-12 when transiting Mercury and Venus conjoin his natal Ketu. This
occurs at the same time that transiting Mars conjoins his Venus while
Pluto moves to within one degree of opposition. Also note there is a P4
Mars station exact on March 8 that occurs in a 4 degree square with his
natal Venus. This looks very unfavourable to him and possibly his wife
as well given the Venus symbolism that suggests some kind of major
misfortune. It looks as if there will some kind of aggressive action
(Mars) or powerplay (Pluto) against him that distorts and prevents
(Ketu) his success (Venus/Mercury)
place against a negative backdrop of transiting Saturn backing into a
malefic 10th house square aspect to his natal Moon. It comes near exact
in May so that would be the most likely time for him to drop out of the
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