April 05, 2008

Hillary's April showers and The Democratic Convention

The HRC campaign continues its run of bad luck and bad karma with the release yesterday of the Clinton's tax information showing they had made $109 million since Bill left the White House. This on the same day that Hillary announces that she would establish an anti-poverty czar if elected. [cut to Jon Stewart's deer in the headlights look here]. This was likely the result of transiting Mars square aspect to her natal Neptune in the 12th house which often creates embarrassments or distortions. I think she may have something go her way this weekend (esp on Sunday) as tr. Venus picks up her natal Jupiter's aspect. But Monday and Tuesday look like more conflict and backpedaling for her as that Venus moves into range of the square from natal Mars in her campaign chart.

This campaign is in trouble right now and she runs the risk of the nightmare scenario of losing Pennsylvania on Apr 22. While I still think it's winnable for her, I have previously acknowledged there is a configuration in the Obama campaign chart. that may indicate that he wins on the 22nd. This is the transiting Mars hitting his unequal 4th house cusp while tr Jupiter moves over his unequal 10th house cusp. Mars (action, conflict) and Jupiter (politicians, ideals) oppose each other then, so its an appropriate pattern for this battle royal. It's a very singular and powerful pattern in Obama's chart which could coincide with a win. Hillary's chart still shows strength on the 22nd however the presence of transiting dasha lord Venus on the equal 6th house cusp is cause for some concern. This generically means "conflict" which is appropriate for an election contest, but there is a sense of difficulty here too, as if it may be too much for her to handle. Bottom line, I still expect her to win here, but my confidence level is not what it was for TX and OH. I was more like 80% or more certain she would win there as the astrology of those wins looked far more clear cut. My sense of Pennsylvania is more like 60%.

The reason I'm revisiting this prediction is because I'm trying to make sense of the her declining fortunes in light of the charts.. I've got some things right so far like her winning Texas and Ohio, but I've been wrong too. I have to admit that I could be wrong about Pennsylvania as well, and indeed about her nomination. This election has been unusually challenging for astrologers because of lack of documented birth times for either candidate. This means that birth time-dependent placements like houses and rulerships have to be used with a grain a salt and this increases one's margin of error. And just to state the obvious, no astrologer, especially me, is going to be correct all the time. It's a probabilistic endeavour at best, where one can sometimes see things in the future that fall outside of normal perception. This is rarely a consistent ability of prediction in the conventional scientific sense of the word. And when you throw in personal preferences into the mix (yes, I like Hillary), staying objective is hard to do.

Somehow, Hillary needs to find a way to survive in April while her chart is under pressure. Her subperiod lord Saturn is retrograde in the 11th house of gains making progress slow if not impossible. When this changes direction and goes forward on May 2, her luck should improve. Until then, she is going to have a tough time, which may include losing Pennsylvania. I still think she has enough strength in her chart to win it, but I want to be up front about some second thoughts I'm having. The astrology is by no means clear. But if she does end up losing it, then the campaign is effectively over.

And even if she survives into May, Saturn will then aspect her natal Sun by 3rd house sextile aspect. This places a handicap on her husband (males are represented by the Sun) and her vitality which is also symbolized by the Sun. Therefore, she may be more prone to weakness and illness through May and June. More significantly, the Sun also represents authority so this may be the time when she tangles with the DNC in a more open way. Overall, it's a difficult transit and not necessarily one that will boost her chances. My original prediction for Obama's hard times in May was based on the assumption that the race would end then. Since this won't happen, those negative influences in his chart will likely show setbacks and more intense conflicts that he will have with Hillary and perhaps the party as a whole. A possible indicator of his declining fortunes, however temporary, may be seen in the retrograde station of his dasha lord Jupiter on May 9. Also Uranus is applying to station in a close opposition to his natal Mars (29 Leo) in June suggesting too much energy or conflict that is out of control. I note that June 24 is particularly over-energized for Obama as Uranus stations that day and transiting Mars conjoins his natal Uranus. This signature of action, aggression and suddenness is not going to be helpful to Obama at all, and may extend beyond the realm of political conflict and into some kind of personal threat.

So while I am hedging a bit here in the face of a bleak reality, I still would favour Hillary winning in PA and then winning the nomination although I'm less confident about it than I was before. Another interesting dimension is how a potential fight with the DNC might play out. If Hillary wins PA as I think she might, the prospect of a legal challenge to seat the delegates from MI and FL grows. I think there is good reason to think there will be a very nasty fight in the party possibly right up to the convention as the chart of the Democratic Party (May 13 1792) is very afflicted. For example, the natal Mars (27 Leo) will be opposed by Uranus in the coming months suggesting a time of chaos and uncontrollable developments. The Democratic Party has roughly the same placement of Mars as Obama has hence the Uranus opposition shows up in both charts. A possible clue to what the convention might hold can be seen in the conjunction of transiting Mars to the natal Rahu. This strongly indicates an explosion of anger and actions that fall outside the boundaries of normal behaviour. At the same time, transiting Ketu conjoins the natal Uranus, which again indicates excitement that gets out of control, or perhaps sudden changes or developments.

DNC chair Howard Dean's chart (Nov 17 1948) shows too much activity to suggest smooth sailing all the way to the convention. July and August look particularly stressed. He's running Saturn-Rahu dasha at a time when transiting Saturn conjoins its natal position -- a Saturn return. What's worse, on July 11, tr. Mars and Saturn conjoin on his natal Saturn. This does not sound like a tea party, particularly as the tr Saturn will aspect his natal Ketu simultaneously. This looks like a time when rules are being cast aside and matters are in disarray. To top it off, at the time of the convention in late August, tr Saturn will exactly square Dean's natal 12th house Moon, indicating a time of loss and disappointment. This may reflect a disappointment that his preferred choice has lost, or it may indicate disappointment that has damaged its image. It's not all bad, however, as tr Jupiter is close to his 7th house cusp symbolizing successful encounters with colleagues. So it's possible that the party comes out of the convention intact. I'll post more on this topic later.


Unknown said...

Thanks Chris again, for your indepth analysis. Wow. That doesn't sound very reassuring, especially in the light of recent events. Though I admit, I would hate to see her lose, it's looking more and more possible as the days progress. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, as far as I see the future is still not certain.

One thing is certain, she needs all the help she can get now more than ever from all of her supporters who would vote for her, especially in fundraising:
. Pass this on to others who want to see her win.

Thanks everyone!

Twilight said...

Many thanks, once again, Christopher. You give us much to think about!

It's easy to get depressed about this stuff. I remind myself that what we know (outside of astrology) isn't the whole story.
There's more to be revealed, especially, I suspect, in the case of Senator Obama.

Our opinions are being formed (or an attempt is being made to do so) largely by a media supporting Obama and determined to be anti-Clinton. Where doubts are born - the media. Who owns 'em - the corporations!

I hadn't felt that the tax returns would affect much one way or the other - to me they seem irrelevant to the issues here. The Clintons have know for a long time that HRC would run in this election, they were hardly likely to be doing anything scurrilous which could be traced! The fact that they're rich is beside the point - like John Edwards' $400 hair-dos.

Thanks for all your work on this -
it lets us realise just how complicated and risky astrological prediction really is in a situation such as this.

blazer08 said...

Thanks Chris! Really appreciate your insight. I for one, am hoping and praying this is not going to end for Hillary.

The problem is the amount of anti-Hillary hate and smear that has infected youtube, facebook, myspace, forums and news sites and blogs is mind boggling. And a significant chunk of this has been contributed by the pro-obama crowd. How Obama can claim that he's a unifying candidate and not speak out against many of these attacks is beyond me. As it hardens many of the Clinton supporters against him.

I now see that there's a massive push by democratic elites and news organization heads that support Obama to muscle Hillary out and bring her down before PA. Because I betting that if she wins by double digits it will give her the momentum to run this all the way to the convention if she has to..

Let me say, I've been speaking to some friends in PA and they're not buying what Obama is selling and they're equally frustrated with the news media.

Beth Turnage said...


You've got to trust the astrology. If you've made a prediction and its from the best insight you have, it does no good to second guess yourself.

I also have predicted Hillary will win the nomination, but by slugging it through all the way. Of no of us gets it right 100% of the time, but you get more of them right by trusting your instincts.


Miss America said...

What I don't understand is how you can look at the exact same charts and come up with so dramatically a different outcome. From HRC "will certaninly win big in Pennsylvania" to almost a complete reversal of fortune. Why weren't all these influencing factors apparent for the first prediction? Are you saying that any analysis can be made to correspond with whatever events are going on at the time?

Christopher Kevill said...

Miss America -- First off, I haven't suggested a reversal of fortune. I've fined tuned my analysis and included a level of confidence measure. Her March wins seemed more certain in my mind, even if I didn't express it that way. The PA win is still the most likely scenario, although I'm less confident about it now.

More generally, you're right -it does seem odd to come up with a different assessment from looking at the same data. The thing is most human sciences like economics, medicine, sociology, astrology, etc have a hard time with forecasts because human behaviour is so hard to predict. Weather is like this too because of the huge number of variables. Astrology isn't akin to Newtonian physics with billiard balls. Forecasts are based on probabilities, not certainties. So as time goes on, you get a better idea of how things will emerge later on. It's a contstantly shifting reality field where new possibilities are open up as old ones are closed off. Variables are refined over time to incorporate new information about how past situations have played out. Sure it sounds like weasel talk, but it's part of the territory. I think there are limits about how much a forecast can change.

The other reason to alter one's forecast is that as humans, we make mistakes. We may forget to include something, or a certain pattern you saw ends up exercising a stronger influence than you thought. Astrologers do it, economists do it, everybody does it. The extent to which one engages in post facto manipulation will determine what the value of one's forecasts are over time. Hopefully, the forecast is still doing a better job than chance would predict.

Beth -- thanks for your input. I think there are different kinds of second guessing. I think there is a version of it that is healthy and normal. It's more about going over one's logical and intuitive process and double checking how one arrived at a particular conclusion. Nothing wrong with that. When new data comes in, it's important to see how it fits with expectations. In this case, I thought Hillary would fare better in late March, but she didn't. I made a mistake there so it made sense for me to go back and see what I did wrong and try to evaluate how this might effect my initial forecast that she would win in PA and later the nomination. I have stuck to my basic forecast, but I have included my relative confidence in different parts of this situation.

But I agree with your basic point that it's best not to torment oneself with endless second guessing. Everybody makes mistakes -- I know I do. The trick is to learn from them. That means one has to look at previous work. Astrologers don't do this enough, in my opinion. When things don't work as planned, they just carry on their merry way and never alter their assumptions or rules of interpretation. Astrology needs to take its mistakes more seriously. This is the problem with a knowledge system that is touted as being an art form rather than a science. The art side of it encourages intellectual complacency.

blazer08 said...

Mark Penn leaving the campaign may be a boost for Hillary.

For one, he was playing two roles for both Burson-Marsteller and serving as chief strategist for Hillary's campaign. They believed in his ability to deliver, which is why I suspect they stuck with him for so long.

But, it was clear he had a conflict of interest from the beginning. Especially since Iowa. In my view, he should've been ousted after Iowa - clearly it was his strategy to ignore the caucus states and focus all attention on the primaries. It was his idea to run Hillary on the "inevitability" campaign strategy from the beginning, which obviously failed.

If I had to hedge a bet, I would bet that Hillary wins PA, by a good enough margin to remain viable in the primary. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a huge force of effort from Obama backers and democratic elites, news organization for her to step down. This seems counterintuitive. I am also betting that the negative press is to try to cut into her delegate-lead. But, the press has proven that it's bias, which means most people won't be paying too close of an attention.

mcbaby said...

if you look at western astrology, you see that the north node or "rahu" is in aquarius which is unpredictable, unbiased, and detatched. the south node or "ketu" in leo is responsible for the runaway "Obamania" that has swept the idealistic youth for which leo rules. leo governs celebrities, young people and speculation. we have seen the media christen obama (who is a leo)as a rock star with much speculation that he is destined to be our next president. the downside to this transit is that the south node is our cosmic achilles heal. many affairs/sex scandals of high profile people have come to light along with many tradgedies involving children. we need to stand back from the emotional drama that is leo and be more aquarian. we need to stand back and wait for the data to come in and not be swayed by our feelings. i definately believe that obama has his western ascendent in scorpio because that would place neptune right in the first house (very inspirational placement yet also quite deceptive). even though he is an elequent speach maker, we must proceed cautiously and really take a look at his record. there are more scandals ahead and remember, aquarius is full of surprises. in december, obama himself didn't think he would be in the lead. and now look. expect the unexpected. Hillary isn't going anywhere. she will keep fighting.

Christopher Kevill said...

blazer -- Penn's departure may be good in the long run, but it's a clear negative for the campaign right now. Armies, ships -- use whatever metaphor you like for a campaign -- don't like dissent and infighting. It has to be seen as a ship with everybody rowing in unison.

I had thought HRC's problem would be on Monday-Tuesday but it seems to have struck Sunday p.m. Let's hope this is the full extent of it.

mcbaby -- thanks for weighing in. Obama may well be a Ketu in Leo phenomenon. I would extend your analysis and say that Leo represents leaders in general, albeit in a celebrity/popularity sort of way rather than the cold calculus of power which is more Capricorn. But having Ketu there is more about the wish for saintliness since Ketu represents the erasing of borders between the real and the unreal, or between the material and the spiritual realms. So then the question becomes, what happens to Obama when Ketu leaves Leo and moves into Cancer on May 6 (May 1 if you use the mean nodes)? Does the public's desire for a saintly leader suddenly dissolve?

It is interesting that this ingress occurs in the same week as the potentially significant direction changes of Jupiter and Saturn which suggests a shift in energy.

blazer08 said...

Chris, although I agree with you on the Penn thing, partially, I still think it's still a morale booster for a campaign that needs to turn the tides. From what I understand, he was handicap on the campaign.

I think she can still win PA, but that hedges on the ability of Wolfson and Garin to steer the campaign in the right direction ahead of the critical primary.

At the same time, I would also like to point out that there are other things at play here than simply astrology alone. First off, the campaign strategist, obviously, steered the campaign in the wrong direction (knowingly or unknowingly, through sheer incompetence, in my opinion). Second, the media has done everything they can to undermine Hillary and rip her to shreds so to speak and propel Obama forward - nevermind if his adds about not taking money from Oil Companies are false and misleading. Third, the democratic elites and party officials who were supposed to support her candidacy have abandoned her for the new rising star. I think a lot of it is backlash from the far left, news media and blogs, for her vote on the Iraq war (doesn't matter if Obama in 2004 claimed that he didn't know how he would've voted had he been in the senate at the time).

That she's still able to proceed in face of all this is incredible, but at the same time shows strength, perhaps in her stars and may be even on her chart. She will only win now by some means, if it's in her destiny to win the presidency.

Let's not forget that John McCain's campaign was written off for dead nearly 4 months ago, and at one point he had only $50000 in his campaign coffers, his opponents were outspending him by huge margins on ads in critical states. Yet, he ended up winning the republican primary - much to the chagrin of his party base. I am not suggesting there are any parallels here, but it's worth pointing out that unlikely things have happened.

Unknown said...

Clinton picks up a superdelegate and Obama loses a superdelegate:

Some good news that's burried

Another example of clear media bias...when Obama wins a superdelegate (no matter how obscure), it's big news, but when Clinton picks up a superdelegate and Obama loses a superdelegate, it's hardly in the news at all.

At this point, I am wondering if good things are happening behind the scenes, but the media just choose to ignore them, to demoralize her supporters even further. It's pretty clear that there's a lot more negative coverage of Clinton compared to Obama.

Julianne B. said...

Thank, Chris!

About the Clintons' taxes, I was frankly surprised by Jon Stewart's reaction. They earned big money, mainly through book sales and speechmaking. No crime there. They paid I think $33 million in taxes and GAVE AWAY $50 million. I thought SNL's take on the issue was more accurate.

I still think the shadows that lurk in Obama's closet will emerge; I just hope they do so in the next two weeks. There's been legal action in favor of Larry Sinclair, so this is just one possibility of a scandal surfacing in the very near future.

We shall all see. Thanks again for your posts. And...GO HILLARY!

Julianne B. said...

As a postscript to my previous comment, if you're a Hillary supporter seeking a welcoming online community, I invite you to

Unknown said...

04\08\08 Hillary up in PA by 18 points (new SurveyUSA poll):


Again, lost in MSM (main stream media) headlines.

blazer08 said...

You're right..Here are the striking SurveyUSA official poll results:
SurveyUSA Hmmm.., don't see this making any headlines (at least not yet anyway).

Let's hope SUSA got it right for Hillary in PA

Getty1206 said...

Looks like this website has become a sort of support group for Hillary supporters...lol, at least for me it has. Thanks everyone!
As Hillary said yesterday in a speach (in Montana?)with a sparkle in her eye and a "knowing" behind her smile, "There are a lot of twists and turns still to come in this campaign before it's all over". Hmmmm.....

OM said...

getty1206, ( and everyone else), must see this video:


Unknown said...

I have seen SUSA being criticised on the cable networks on the procedure it follows for the polling (Automated telephone calls and processing responses from the responders). Also that SUSA uses a smaller sample compared to the others. But i have to agree anything positve for Hillary is always buried by the news Networks. My gut feeling is she would win close to Double Digits in PA

Unknown said...

Hi Chris

In the Post Road To Pennsylania you had Written '
"In his natal chart, tr Mercury (communication) will form a t-square with Sun (self) and Neptune (confusion) suggesting that his message won't be well received while tr Sun (self) forms a second t-square with his natal Jupiter (ideas) and Mercury (communication) which will likely produce a negative combination of those keywords in the form of a failed attempt to persuade voters. Or in other words, an overconfidence in ideas that don't catch on or backfire"

Today Obama Made some interesting Comments which may back files or don't catch (Ofcourse If Media does'nt Crush them)

Please see the link below


Christopher Kevill said...

Rajendra --

I think the recent Obama misstep concerning small town voters does have some legs and Hillary is taking full advantage. It fits more or less with what I said might happen around Apr 11

"Look for an intensification of the sniping and mud-slinging on both sides around April 11th. I think Hillary will gain a small advantage from that phase"